Should I Buy A New Or Used Refrigerator For A Fermentation Chamber?

I am a relatively new Home Brewer, only 3 Extract Brews, and have experienced varying degrees of success, or failure depending on your point of view. My inconsistent, yet not undrinkable beer led me on a quest to discover what the differences were in my outcomes. Allow me to share some of my journey and what I have learned along the way. I should probably begin with where I brew, as I believe this has played a huge role in my process. I live and brew in south Mississippi. Our 95 degree heat in the summer it provides another challenge in the process of fermenting. I know what you are thinking, “Just put the fermenter in the cool basement and let it bubble away.” That would be an excellent option if we lived in an area where basements were part of every house, but in our piece of the world, the water table is so high that any basement would quickly turn into a very unpleasant, aromatic mildew spa. Much to the chagrin of my wife, my fermenter too...